Sultan AlOlama Medical Center; Your family's favorite healthcare destination

Cosmetic Dermatology

Make over , face lifting , jew line treatment   , under eyes treatment (dark circles ),skin booter , wrinkles treatment (forehead , around eyes )  ,sweating treatment (for face and under arms )  ,lips treatment (pink lips , rejuvenation ,hydrating , lips filling  )   , Chemical peeling   ,  pigmentation treatment , Acne scars treatment , Microneedling  (by dermapen , by scarlit machine with hf , and by aqua gold)   , Face & hands rejuvenation , whitening treatment (for body and face ) ,double chin treatment , PRP (for face and hair)  ,Mesotherapy , micrograft for hair (regenera ), Hair treatment , stem cells ,


1. Dermatology
2. Laser Hair Removal
3. Pediatric
4. IV Medicine Therapy
5. Hijama
6. Physiotherapy

Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment :

Facial Therapies
  • hydra facial
  • hydra beauty
  • oxygeneo super facial 
  • bobble facial
  • sultana facial (our signature facial )
  • laser facial
  • back facial
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